When it comes to credit cards, there are plenty of options depending on your specific needs. Also, as someone who lives in the US, it’s easy to forget that there are also plenty of credit card options available internationally. If you are traveler and looking to expand your horizon in the world of points and miles, the Aeroplan card might be a great fit for you.
Let me first admit that this is a card I just recently discovered, so this might not be any groundbreaking analysis of the card. However, I will offer my two cents on some of my favorite features.
1. 500 Bonus Points for every $2000 you spend in a calendar month, up to 1,500 points per month
This is a very unique way of accumulating points that I have not seen any other credit card company do. Is it achievable? For bigger families with significant expenses, it might be. Realistically, it will probably be difficult for the average person to unlock this bonus. Just doing some back-of-the-envelope math, if you spend $200 a week on groceries, that will get you around $800 – $900 a month on the card, and you would still have a lot of ground to cover to achieve the bonus. However, if you are able to meet the spending limit, this is an excellent way of accumulating points.
2. The plenty of airline partners
The card currently has 51 partner airlines, including those within the Star Alliance network. This is one of my favorite features due to the relative ease of booking with partner airlines. Points flexibility is crucial when applying for a card.
3. 3X on grocery stores and dining
3X points on grocery stores and dining is a great way to accumulate points quickly. Generally, travel cards tie their rewards rate to some form of travel expense (e.g., hotels, flights, etc.), but this is one of the few cards through which you can generate points for other non-travel-related categories
Overall, this is a great card for travelers and those who are looking diversify their wallet to credit issuers outside of the united states.