The Discover It miles credit card is simply one of the most efficient and cost-effective credit cards out there today. The card currently has no annual fee and earns 1.5 miles on every dollar spent across all purchases. Unlike other credit cards which have different reward rates based on different categories of expenses, this card is hassle-free and is a great match for those who are looking for a straightforward and cost-effective credit card to earn miles.
1. No Annual Fee: This card is one of the select few travel credit cards which offers travel rewards without having to pay an annual fee. Annual Fees can be a significant expense and sometimes the rewards and benefits earned on the card may be equal to or less than the annual fee. Not paying an annual fee is especially beneficial for those who do not use the card enough to offset the annual fees that come with credit cards.
2. First Year Bonus Miles Match: Cardholders will receive a match on all miles earned at the end of the first year. For example, if you earn 35,000 miles at the end of your first year since the account inception, discover will match the total miles you and your total miles earned becomes 70,000 miles which equate to $700
3. 1.5x miles on all purchases: This card earns 1.5 miles per dollar spent on all purchases with no limit on how many miles you can earn. The simplicity and straightforward reward structure make it s a great match for those who are looking to earn points without having to keep track of bonus categories or meeting a spending limit to earn a signup bonus.